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Opportunity Capture Consulting

Sales Planning and Strategy

Winning an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contract with a low price that is not predicated upon a reality view of demand and a Sales Plan and Strategy can be economically suicidal. In today's fiercely competitive government IT, C&E and S&T marketplaces, every contract has to be:
  • bid aggressively, then managed to price;
  • sold to a wide franchise of buying entities, usually against aggressively priced government-wide acquisition contracts (GWACs); and
  • aggressively and time-dependently refreshed to:
    • substitute desirable products and services for less desirable items,
    • include products that were not within the original purview of the contract, and
    • produce and/or maintain desired revenues and profitability.
To help bidders accomplish these goals, CAI/SISCo develops and publishes an opportunity Sales Strategy and a "living" Sales Plan. Pre-award, the contract Sales Strategy presents an overarching strategic approach to contract harvesting that feeds the pricing strategy development process. It also develops the strategy for technology refreshment, product substitution, and increasing the contract purview and scope.
Post-award, the contract Sales Plan provides a dynamic blueprint for profitable contract execution covering strategies, quotas, and routes to market by customer element. This plan provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of competing GWACs, GSA Schedules, basic purchasing agreements (BPAs), and other relevant competing contract vehicles. Overall, it is aimed at maximizing customer acceptance and penetration while assuring contract profitability.
To request a proposal or more information about any of our services or
products, please e-mail Tony Constable or call him at (301) 807 8171.
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