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Globalization - PTW Without Borders (06-18-2008)

Price to Win (PTW) -- the business developer's pWin enhancer for major opportunities -- reached critical mass in the U.S. at about the turn of the century. At that time, however, internationally, there was almost negative interest in the subject even from U.S. companies bidding on major opportunities abroad. Now things are changing rapidly.
The rest of the world has been much slower adopting PTW but today our international PTW business is downright robust. Today clients have us helping them with opportunities in Canada, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Japan, Spain, Turkey and the UK.
So what is driving the change in international demand for PTW services? The answer is simple -- we believe minds are changing.
Over time, everything changes -- fashions do, technology does, BD processes do. Eventually even minds change. They always have and they always will.
As a former non-American I can attest to the fact that Europeans tend to embrace "change" somewhere in the pragmatist-conservative range shown in the graphic. This can represent a time-gap-to-adoption of up to 10 years. The rest of the world marches to a different metronome/s than the U.S. does.
Good luck and happy hunting!
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