By the way, Book # 1 is entitled
Everything About Everything: If Information Is Power, Why Aren't We More Powerful? It can be viewed right now on Amazon using this link to
Amazon. Book #1 is an inspirational text about information recycling and reuse that I wrote in 1995 and decided to publish in April 2011. The subject is presented as a futuristic tale about the concept of infocentricity and a young man with a nose for information and an inquiring mind. The premise is the fact that most enterprises squander information that they pay dearly in time and money for their people to learn, and often do so over and over again. The remedy for this situation, infocentricity, represents the "next big thing" for information technology (IT), which today is 95% about technology, and 5%, or less, about information. Such change hinges on evolving the enterprise's culture as it relates to information and transforming the typical "We don't know what we do and don't know" reality into "We do, at least, know what we do know."