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Opportunity Capture Consulting

Post Mortems: Analyzing Wins & Losses

Win or lose, there are important lessons to be learned.
Quality attention should be paid to requesting and attending a customer debrief. Sometimes the customer may allow bidders to ask questions in advance of the actual debrief. If so, take advantage of the opportunity. The object of the exercise is to glean as much information as possible on why your firm won/lost the bid and how the competition fared.
CAI/SISCo stage manages Post Mortems for major bids. We can plan the pre-debrief activities, school the attendees, and turn the feedback into a detailed management presentation complete with lessons learned, suggestions for process improvement, and dos and don'ts for future competitions involving that customer or those competitors.
To request a proposal or more information about any of our services or
products, please e-mail Tony Constable or call him at (301) 807 8171.
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